Big Bang Theory: Take 2

Debbie Draves Legg
2 min readFeb 5, 2021

We started out as 2 single cells, separately they are not viable.

BUT when they meet — BANG, life starts the 2 cells combine, start to divide and multiply. By 5 weeks gestation the blob of identical human cells starts to differentiate, becoming all the pieces and parts that make up our body systems, creating a unique organism, that is here for a purpose!

We are also part of the large organism: Earth.

When all the pieces and parts of earth’s ecosystem: soil, air, water, insects, animals, plants — everything, even humans, live in symbiosis life is good, it is sustainable and stable.

Part of this symbiosis is energetic. Each species communicates within in its own electromagnetic field. Flocks of birds, schools of fish, herd and migratory animals are non-verbal, their survival depends upon accurate communication between their energetic sensing body and their physical body.

Our human body, like earth, needs to work in harmony for us to be our best. When our body systems are not working in synchrony, we may feel misaligned, depleted, defeated or like we’ve lost our way. We have a physical body and we too, like all of Earth’s creatures, have an energetic body. When these two systems work in harmony, great things happen! Often, we don’t notice the subtle way that our energetic body communicates with us, but it does.

Learn to tap into this super power, connect it to your physical existence, tap into your full power and potential! Big Bang — Take 3!

“There is always light, if only we’re brave enough to see it. If only we’re brave enough to be it.”

~ Amanda Gorman 2021 ~

Eponicity’s programs provide a safe, non-judgmental, introspective learning environment for individuals that are ready. Ready to see their light. Ready to release what is no longer serving them. Ready to connect to their higher self. Ready to learn the language of their soul. Ready to acknowledge their responsibility. Ready to live in truth. Ready to identify their purpose. Ready to realize their potential. Ready to be brave. Ready to be the light.



Debbie Draves Legg

Eponicity offers Enlightened Coaching for individuals, groups and families. Ready to see their light, and be the light! Online and in person with horses.